All Services

Laser Therapy

Clearlift Used for moderate facial lines, plumping, melasma and stretch marks.
DyeVL/IPL Photofacial Improve overall skin tone and sun damage.
Laser Hair Reduction To reduce the density and growth of hair on face and body.
Long Pulsed Nd:YAG Used to treat vascular skin conditions such as broken capillaries, veins and treats bruises instantly.
Tattoo Removal For elimination of unwant dark tattoo and certain multi-color tattoos.

Aesthetic Services

Botox Used to relax the muscles and cause lines and wrinkles.
Chemical Peels For regular skin maintenance and prevention.
Dermal Fillers Used to restore volume, improve contour, fill depressions and smoothen lines.
Kybella An injectable used to eliminate fat causing double chins (submental fullness).
Medical Grade Products To take care of your skin and prolong effects of treatments at home.
Microneedling Used to treat scars, stretch marks, textural issues and produce more collagen.
Prescription Grade Products Supercharge taking care of your skin & hair, reverse the signs of aging.
PRP Hair Restoration Use your own platelets to stimulate hair growth.
Platelet Rich Plasma or Vampire Facial Use your own platelets to restore lost collagen.

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